Tuesday, March 31, 2015

La Conferencia General!

Mi Querido Familia,

Primeramente, los cumpliaños (voy a hacerlos en ingles para que pueden entender).

Susan, It is a priveledge to have you as my aunt. I love hanging out with you and talking with you. I honestly have no idea how old you are, but you cant be that old... like, 23 or 24 right? ;) I hope your birthday was super awesome and that you were able to celebrate or relax or do whatever it was that you wanted to do. I love you so much and I am so grateful for everything you have done for me. 

Grandma Joyce... oh man where do I begin... So, another year has come and gone... I was thinking about it today and though I am not sure... I can pretty much bet this last Sunday yall did enchiladas... I had enchiladas too... but they werent the same. I missed you a lot this week. I love you so much and I hope you realize that you are one of my best friends... youre always there for me. I hope that your birthday is special and that you get to celebrate it (or already did) with the whole family.. I will be there in spirit. I love ya grandma. 

Bueno, este semana se fue bien rapido. No lo senti. English? Okay, yeah, thats fine.

So this week my companion had to go to immigrations so we left Tuesday, traveled throught the night and got there Wednesday in the morning... immigrations is never fun and I am always nervous because I am not legal in this country and my companion isnt either. While we were there we were hoping to go to the temple, but we didnt get the chance. We left Wednesday in the afternoon and got to Bugaba that night.. we ended up staying there with them because we had interviews with President Carmack the following morning. I needed that interview. I was able to sacar everything that I had on my mind and I felt a lot better afterward. 

This week, because we are approaching Easter, we have been focussing a lot on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. In reality, it is the most important thing for us to understand about the Gospel. We have been sharing Alma 7: 11-16 with EVERYONE. It is really beautiful how it explains the Atonement. verses 11&12 explain WHAT is the Atonement, verse 13 explains WHY he atoned for our sins verses 14&15 explains what we need to do to accept the atonement in our lives and verse 16 explains the blessing that we recieve when we do so. 

We have had some amazing experiences this week emphasizing the Atonement. We have an investigator named Porfirio. He is an indian, lives with all of his family (2 sisters are less actives) on the top of a really big hill. We always put appointments with him because he doesnt live in a place that we can just pass-by. So we showed up to the appointment that we had with him and we were hoping to talk to his sisters, but they didnt want to talk with us, so we taught him the Atonement using Alma 7 and afterwards asked him if he could share what he learned with his sisters. He gladly accepted and also accepted a baptism date and was at church this last Sunday. 

We had a similar experience with the twins Alison and Alejandra and their mom Vielkys. We taught them the Atonement. Hermana Vielkys has always said that her daughters need to be baptized, but that she wasnt ready and that it wasnt for her. After we taught the Atonement, she accepted a baptism date! The Atonement is magic... IT APPLIES TO EVERYONE. 

We also had a Family Home Evening with a family that consists of a less active father, an active mother and 2 sons and 1 daughter and 1 grandson and the father of the grandson. We talked about the family and the importance of having goals for your family. We talked about how its important to have goals as a family. We also played a game that one of my companions taught me, you start with everyone puts an object that is theirs in a pile, then everyone picks an object from the pile that isnt theirs, after you explain that whoevers object you have you will say what you know about that person and the good qualities that they have. For example if Fred has the watch of Sam, Fred will say what he knows about Sam and the good qualities that he has. It is super simple, but its a wonderful game to unite the family and help eachother learn more about one another. Afterall, the family is one of the most important things that we have in this life.

Speaking of families, that was the theme of the Womens Session of General Conference! I loved it so much! It was simple and beautiful. The family is so important to our spiritual strength and our defenses against the Adversary. It is ordained of God and we should cherish it. We should hold up one another, strive to have the spirit with us always. Something that Elder Eyring emphasized was the importance of compassion. If we are compassionate, we are slow to judge, quick to help, and full of love. Compassion is definitely something that I need to work on. 

This week was really fast... I hardly felt it, I feel like the days get faster and faster. This week we were able to have some wonderful experiences and I am so grateful for them. I learned that the Atonement is the most important thing that we can teach and that when we understand exactly what it is, we have the desire to follow our Savior and to be made clean through him. 

I love you all so much and I hope yall enjoy Conference! It really is a blessing that we have to listen to a prophet of God and recieve revelation directed for us personally. I have been looking forward to Conference for about a month... I actually forgot about Easter... and right now I am remembering the family tradition we have on Easter... and now I am smiling because I wont be humiliated by the fact that I suck at finding easter eggs this year... 

Anyways, I would love to hear what yall think of Conference! Love you and have a great week!

Love, Hermana Eardley

P.S. if you havent seen the video Because He Lives you definitely need to check it out
The sisters in the zone and our district before transfers

new companion

New district and new companion

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