Okay, so I am finally starting to get the hang of things. I no longer feel like such a burden to my companion because I sort of know what I am doing. I am also trying really hard to learn Spanish. We have gotten pretty creative. My companion has me translate songs that we listen to in the car. It helps a lot with grammar, but I am starting to dislike music. It is so hard. and frustrating. but also good. It really does help. My companion is really great. She corrects me when I say something wrong and she lets me struggle, but during lessons she will help out when I don't know how to say something. Our investigators love to hear me speak. Probably because I say things like a child would say them. They always ask me to say the prayer too. Oh well, it is good practice and at least they focus on my words.
Before I forget there is a drink called a "horchata". It is so so so good. Wow if you can find it you should try it. Also, the movie "Meet the Mormons" came out last Friday and Saturday. I don't know if it was in Utah or not, but I would assume so and I hope y'all got a chance to see it. It was so good! Wow the spirit was so strong. We told all of our investigators about it.
We have this investigator named Fulhencio. He is the happiest person I have ever met. And he is so ready for the Gospel, but his wife is strict Catholic and he doesn't want to create any problems in their relationship. It is so frustrating. I just want him to be baptized so bad. We have another investigator named Ricardo who had a baptismal date, but he fell off the wagon on the Word of Wisdom so we have to recommit him, but really it is about helping him realize how much we care about him.
Also, this last week we were on splits and I really had to use the restroom, so we stopped at a DelTaco place and on our way in a man who was obviously on his work break said hello and we said hello and then he said "you look really happy" and we just looked at eachother and was like, we will come talk to you in a minute. Ha so that is what we did and he is Christian, but not practicing. I ended up teaching half of the Restoration right there on the street.. it was pretty cool.
Yesterday we went bowling during P-Day.. yeah it was pretty great. I will send pictures. I know what you will think, but I promise, those were our actual scores. We really are that bad at bowling.
I am having a blast out here and we are working hard. There is so much to do here and it really takes a lot of endurance for sure. I hope y'all are doing great and that everything is going good back at home!
I love you all so much!
Love, Hermana Eardley
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